

Streams of consciousness

So I have embarked on my first assignment from WordPress. Writing challenge 101. Write what you want it says, about whatever it states. Now to my mind this is a dangerous thing, well maybe not dangerous but it gives me the chance to overindulge and trust me I need no encouragement. Blabbering and elongating my thoughts are part of what I am. It’s like with my stories and anecdotes when telling people. I can’t tell them without giving all the background no matter how extensive or tedious (hopefully not so much of that). I often have to cut so much flab out of my blogs, stories and journals I feel like I’m working at a pie eater’s liposuction clinic.

20 minutes is a long time man, especially when my wpm is >80 which means you, unlucky you shall I say will have a lot more to wade through after this sentence, much much more. Also the challenge didn’t mention editing or rewrites so I will stick to carry on writing. Please metaphorically insert grammar and punctuation where you see fit as you are reading this.

So now I have talked about the assignment and what it entails for me and also indirectly some of you. I am something of a perfectionist so I guess this challenge is going to test me somewhat. I am already itching to revise some of the sentences I have already written, ah well that’s the deal I guess. Plus the reason I am doing this is to become a better writer and it can’t hurt right. Maybe if I just get through this the next challenge will be kinder to me and my OCD’s. I mean the twist was ok this time so I am excited to see what happens when they ramp it up.

I usually whore out my blogs on my Facebook & twitter and sometimes mention them on other sites and casually drop them into instant message conversations.

Such as              “hey Brett how you going?”

“I’m great thanks just updating my blog www.brettodownes.wordpress.com


See that was pretty subtle, undoubtedly smooth. Now I will just check where they are in the world and look at my blog stats to see if I had a new view on my blog from that country. If not there will be hell to pay.

I was thinking about doing the blogging 101, but I seemed to be confident about posting and just wanted some ideas and also to be outside my comfort zone. I like how creative I can be but I often struggle if someone gives me a topic or idea to write about. Which can be a problem if I want to write for a company, magazine or newspaper one day as they will of course request me to write about a particular issue. So the quicker I improve the better it is for me, my bank balance and therefore my lifestyle. Abstract magazine in the uk are an online magazine and they want  me to write an article on them based on traveling, so I am currently doing that and of course I want to do an expert job for them. This course will help, you should check them out   http://abstractmag.com <<< smooth again right? Like you didn’t even notice?? What!! Why aren’t you clicking on the link already, the rest of this blog is going to be boring, so do it already! I am going to make the rest of this blog boring on purpose now to spite you. Not that it needs much tinkering! Aww poor me, get the little violins out.

Ok so maybe time is running out now, not bad for 20 minutes I have actually quite enjoyed writing this. Not sure if I want to advertise this on my social media sites, not that I am ashamed, I think that this should stay within the writers 101 community……..so there you go, it might not be amazing but at least its exclusive. Shit, but it’s your shit, and of course your shit don’t stink right?? Win win

Finished with 6 secs remaining yeeha!

check out      my next assignment #2 or my blogs below

my day in the life stories

travel blog

random blogs

One thought on “#1 Streams of Consciousness WordPress

  1. Pingback: #2 A Room with A View – WordPress | brettodownes

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